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陈艺欣 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013  
林硕 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013  
田厚军 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013  
林凌鸿 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013  
李恒 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013  
陈勇 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013 cheny0903@163.com 
魏辉 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 国家农业生物安全科学中心华东分中心, 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福建省作物有害生物绿色防控工程研究中心, 福州 350013 weihui@faas.cn 
中文摘要:为研制环境友好型和可控释放的蓟马信息化合物新剂型,通过饱和溶液搅拌法制备异烟酸甲酯/α-环糊精微胶囊,采用L9(34)正交试验确定最佳包埋条件,通过红外光谱、X-衍射和扫描电镜对微胶囊结构进行分析,探讨微胶囊的释放动力学,并应用于田间大棚诱集蓟马明确其引诱效果。结果显示,微胶囊最佳包埋条件是温度为40℃、搅拌速率为800 r/min、芯壁质量比为0.3:1.0、反应时间为3 h,该条件下的包埋率为53.16%;制备的微胶囊呈球状结构,分散均匀;微胶囊释放动力学符合Korsmeyer-Peppas模型,其释放机制由Fickian扩散控制。微胶囊诱集瓜蓟马Thrips palmi的平均数量达到475.5只/板,分别是对照和异烟酸甲酯原药诱集数量的2.58倍和1.96倍,,说明微胶囊具有良好的缓释性能、持效期和引诱效果。表明蓟马引诱剂微胶囊化可提高其稳定性和持久性,可用于昆虫信息素缓释载体产品研发。
中文关键词:α-环糊精  异烟酸甲酯  微胶囊  释放动力学  蓟马  引诱效果
Preparation of methyl isonicotinate/α-cyclodextrin microcapsules and their attractant effect on thrips
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Chen Yixin Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China  
Lin Shuo Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China  
Tian Houjun Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China  
Lin Linghong Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China  
Li Heng Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China  
Chen Yong Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China cheny0903@163.com 
Wei Hui Fujian Engineering Research Center for Green Pest Management, Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, East China Branch of the National Center For Agricultural Biosafety Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian Province, China weihui@faas.cn 
Abstract:To develop an environmentally friendly and controllable release formulation of thrips pheromone, methyl isoniotinate/α-cyclodextrin microcapsules were prepared using a saturated solution stirring method. The optimal embedding conditions were determined through an L9(34) orthogonal experiment. The microcapsules structures were analyzed using infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. The release kinetics of the microcapsules were investigated, and their attractant effect on thrips was evaluated in the greenhouses. The results showed that the optimal embedding conditions for the microcapsules were as follows: a reaction temperature of 40 ℃, a stirring rate of 800 r/min, a core-to-wall mass ratio of 0.3:1.0, and a reaction time of three hours. Under these conditions, the encapsulation efficiency reached 53.16%. The microcapsules exhibited a spherical morphology with even dispersion. The release kinetics of the microcapsules followed the Korsmeyer-Peppas model, with the release mechanism being controlled by Fickian diffusion. The field attraction results showed that the average number of Thrips palmi attracted by the microcapsules was 2.58 times higher than the control and 1.96 times higher than methyl nicotinate, reaching 475.5 thrips per trap. This demonstrated that the microcapsules had good sustained-release performance, duration, and attractant effect. These results indicated that the microencapsulation of thrips attractants can improve their stability and durability and can be used in the development of insect pheromone sustained-release carrier products.
keywords:α-cyclodextrin  methyl isonicotinate  microcapsule  release kinetic  thrips  attractive effect
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